1、leslie 中文释义:莱斯利(男子名)。
2、leslie 短语:Leslie Pina 莱斯利·皮娜Leslie BELOVED 钟情张国荣。
3、Leslie Dixon 迪克逊,莱斯利。
4、leslie 例句:1,来自梅诺莫尼的丹和莱斯利的儿子杰克·艾伦于当天早上8时12分被剖腹产出。
5、Born at 8:12 a.m. by Cesarean section, Jack Allen is the son of Dan and Leslie ofMenomonie.2,他一直不停地喝酒。
6、 而当他的妻子说,她和她的朋友,莱斯利-布拉德肖,打算离开时,他们就吵了起来。
7、He had been drinking, and when his wife said she was leaving with her friend, LeslieBradshaw, they began to fight.3,来自汤姆、莱斯利、小汤姆的佳节问候。
8、Seasons greetings from Tom, Leslie and Tom Jr.扩展资料形近词:lislelisle 中文释义:莱尔线织物;莱尔线lisle 短语:Lisle thread 莱尔线,莱尔棉线。
9、Lisle stockings 莱尔长统袜。
10、lisle 例句:蒂姆·徳·莱尔(Tim de Lisle )是《智慧人生》杂志的编辑和伦敦《星期日邮报》的摇滚评论家。
11、Tim de Lisle is editor of Intelligent Life magazine and the rock critic at the Mail on Sundayin London. Picture credit: Reuters (top), simononly (via Flickr)形近词:lassielassie 中文释义:姑娘;少女;恋人lassie 短语:meiken lassie 名犬莱西Beautiful lassie 美丽女孩lassie 例句:第二天早上,他在跑步,而我只散了散步,他的那只很忠诚的混血狗与往常一样跑在我们的前面。
12、Next morning he jogged, while I walked, with his faithful mongrel Lassie running ahead ofus as usual.参考资料:有道翻译-leslie。